Hooked Review

Hooked by Catherine Greenman
4 Stars
To be honest part of what attracted me to this book was the cover. I'm one of those people that has baby fever really bad. Anyway, a book with a baby seemed right up my alley. This book was not really was I was expecting. The main character, Thea, fell in love pretty fast and the way that she felt kind of got on my nerves. I probably felt that obsessed or "hooked" at some point in my teen years, so I can't blame her. However, I felt the struggles in this book were pretty damn realistic. It's not a super difficult life, but it's not what some teenage girls may dream of when they get pregnant. That aspect is probably what bumped it up to a four star rating for me. If not for that, I probably would've rated it a 3 out of 5. Thea was whiny, obsessive, and completely off in la-la land a good amount of the time. The book was still enjoyable, but I feel it could have been made better. Either way, I'd read a sequel just to see how things ended up. I'd like to thank Catherine Greenman for not painting the prettiest of pictures and glorifying teenage pregnancy. Have any of you picked this book up? How did you feel about it? Does the topic interest you? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic of teenage pregnancy whether you've read this book or not.


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