Armchair BEA 2017 Day Two

Welcome to day two of Armchair BEA, the from home version of Book Expo America which I hope to attend someday. Let's just get straight into today's topics, shall we?

What Do Readers Want?
What I want as a reader is to be sucked in. I want a story to hold my attention and make me care. That is actually how I rate my books, based on how well they keep my attention. When it comes to events, I would like them to be spread out more. Maybe that's a weird way to say it. What I mean is, change the cities you visit. Don't always do the major ones, some of us can't make it to those. And if you insist on making them so far, can you make them at a reasonable time? Example: Most of the events are a two hour drive from me, but don't begin until 7 PM and on a week night. Let's say I only stay for an hour? I'm still not getting home until after 10 PM if I'm lucky. We all know well known authors might not get to everyone in a simple hour. This is why I rarely get to go to signings. Even pushing it up two hours would be nice. Maybe that's just me.

Let's Collaborate & Listen
Now this topic is about the change in the online book community within the past few years, but I've only been a part of it for a little over two and I haven't seen much change. I mean authors are more interactive than ever which is great! But recently a lot of things have been happening that might change this and we as a community need to be mindful. That's really all I have to say on the subject.

I hope you'll be back for the next few days of Armchair BEA. I am having a lot of fun participating and I hope you are enjoying it too.


  1. Yes! Anytime an author goes to Texas its like the major cities. And those are like 10 hours away from me. :( I wish they could change it up a bit so that everyone has a chance to see them.

    1. Exactly! Not everyone is capable of the traveling.

  2. Just like you the events around here are too far away and at inconvenient times.

    Armchair Book Expo day 2: What do readers want? and Collaboration

    1. Exactly. If you can't fix both things, at least fix one of them. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. The simple question of whether or not I want to turn the page and find out what happens to these characters is a good indicator of whether I end up loving a book or not. I just need travel to any book event to be free and then I'll be happy, haha.

    1. Free would be nice! Haha. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. YES: "I want a story to hold my attention and make me care." If I just cannot care about a book, I will DNF it. I've found this to be the case particularly with characters. If I cannot relate or even care slightly about the character, I pass.

    1. I have so many books I've put down. I always try to pick them back up, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. "What I want as a reader is to be sucked in" - I think that really covers it! There are certain things I tolerate in some books that I don't like in other books, so I suppose what it really comes down to is being immersed in a good book.

    1. Exactly! It really depends on the book. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I'm the same with you about wanting a book to really grab my attention. That's how I rate a book. I love that I'm not the only one who does it that way. I also agree with you about what cities authors visit. I wish more came to my town. Thanks for visiting my post earlier!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Thank you for stopping by!


  7. Exactly! I want a book to grab my attention on the very first page and not let go! And I couldn't agree more about having events somewhere besides the big cities. I understand why they prefer big cities, but it would still be nice for the rest of us.

    1. Exactly! Like it makes sense because it could draw a bigger crowd. But at the same time some of the most loyal fans are missing out. It's only fair to switch things up a bit.


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