Freeks ARC Review

Freeks by Amanda Hocking
4 Stars

First off I want to thank Beatrice from Griffin Teen for reaching out to me and seeing if I would like a copy for review. I'm all for books that take place in carnivals, circuses, fairs, etc. So I was super excited for this one.

In Freeks we follow our main character, Mara, who lives with a traveling carnival full of people with supernatural abilities and some without. They make it to the town of Caudry where something strange is going on and no one can quite put their finger on it. I was intrigued from the beginning, I may have misplaced my copy for a while, but once I found it I breezed right on through. I needed to know what the hell was going on!

Freeks takes place in a little over a weeks time and while there is a romance, it does not overpower the story within. What I found it to be about was family and finding your place. Accepting who you are. Everyone really sticks together and it was nice to see an example of creating your own family and being there for each other.

I found that I liked most of the characters throughout this story and I liked that it was meant to be a standalone. Part of me wasn't sure how everything would be wrapped up so soon, but Amanda tied everything together quite nicely. I was not shocked at one reveal, but some of the other ones got me. Especially the big one. So hats off to her!

I haven't been able to read anything else by Amanda Hocking, but I definitely plan to in the future and I am so happy that I took a chance and accepting this book for review. Have you read Freeks? Do you plan to? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. I didn't know about this book, thanks for sharing :)

    HannahCassie @

    1. I hope you'll check it out! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ooh! That cover is so eye-catching!


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