Armchair BEA 2017 Day Four

Welcome to my final Armchair BEA post for 2017! Today is all about recommendations! Giving them and receiving them so let's get to it!

My Recommendations!
Every reader is different, but for those who enjoy contemporary and want to dive into the adult genre I tend to recommend The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley. This book made me cry and it was just so damn good. Not to mention the cover is gorgeous which is actually why I bought it. For a gritty non-fiction I recommend Riding in Cars with Boys by Beverly Donofrio. I used to watch this movie all the time when I was little and I never knew it was based on a true story. So naturally, I had to buy the book and it didn't let me down.

I guess I should recommend some young adult huh? Paula Stokes. Any book of hers. Seriously, but I really loved Girl Against the Universe. The mental health aspect was done very well in my opinion. If you're into vampires, Thirst by Christopher Pike is wonderful. It's a good sized series and it's nothing like Twilight for those of you who hate on it. Haha. I love the religious aspects of this one, a vampire with morals. Kind of. I think I need a reread.

Recommend A Book?
I'm always looking for books to add to my mountainous TBR pile. But what I really need is more diverse books. Whether from diverse authors or featuring diverse characters. I prefer short paperbacks. But if a story is good enough, I love a long book! So throw your picks at me and tell me why I should pick them up.

Thank you for sticking with me through this year's online Book Expo. Hopefully in the next two years I'll get to experience the real thing. Although Armchair BEA will always have a special place in my heart. Happy reading!


  1. The Hate U Give was amazing if you haven't read it. Daniel Jose Older and Nnedi Okorafor are some of my favorites too.

    1. That one is on my list. I perfer paperbacks, but I love the cover of the hardcover so I'm kind of torn right now. I don't know if I'll order from the book depository, buy the hardcover, or wait for the US paperback which hopefully will have the same cover.


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