Armchair BEA Day One

Armchair BEA!

Hello and welcome back to my blog! For those of you who don't know, Armchair BEA is the online version of Book Expo America held for those who cannot attend the live event. I personally hadn't heard of it until this year and I was in a definite need to join. So let's give this a shot!

Introduction Questions!

What is the name you prefer to use? You can call me Gabriella.
How long have you been a book blogger? I started blogging a little over a year ago, but about a month ago I decided to switch blogs.
Have you participated in ABEA before? This is my first time doing Armchair BEA and I am quite excited about it!
Do you have a favorite book? My all time favorite book is Water for Elephants and I am definitely do for a reread really soon.
If you could recommend one other book blogger who would it be and why? I would recommend Grace from Grace Lucy Reviews. Her reviews are very thorough and in my opinion, she deserves more attention than she gets.
What book are you most excited for on your TBR? What are you most intimidated by? I'm most excited for my current read, A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas. It was actually my most anticipated book for 2016 and man is it huge. I'd say it's pretty intimidating. However, next month Samantha from Thoughts on Tomes is hosting the #TomeTopple where you tackle big books and I'm thinking of taking on The Host by Stephanie Meyer for that.
How do you arrange your bookshelves? Is there a rhyme or reason or none at all? (& #ABEASHELFIE) I actually don't have a system. I just go by feeling. I keep books by the same author together as best as I can, but other than that it's just chaos and that's how I like it. Despite that, I know where all of my books are. Now my main bookshelf is a not camera ready so my shelfie is actually of all of my overflow as I like to call it.

Day One: Diversity in Books!

I'd love to be able to say that I've read a ton of diverse books and that I have a lot to say on the topic, but I don't and that's part of the problem. I will say that I am starting to see a lot more LGBTQ books coming out and that's just wonderful, but what about racially diverse reads too? Or even diversity like physical limitations or mental ones? I think there are a lot of things that books are lacking, but I am slowly seeing change. I definitely need to get my hands on more diverse reads so everyone feel free to recommend me some!


  1. I really liked Water for Elephants too.

    First timer here too. :)

    I like that idea of keeping authors together.

    Have a fun week.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. I hope you have a fun week too! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I generally sort my books by author/genre or as best as I can. I like the "sorted by color" look (it always looks so pretty on Instagram), but I think that'd drive me nuts. :)

    Great to meet you, Gabriella.

    1. I agree. I love the look of rainbow shelves, but it would drive me crazy! I need to have my series together and whatnot.

  3. I'm so glad that Armchair BEA has introduced us. I hope you love book blogging as much as I do. It has really added so much to my life.

    1. I'm glad it has as well. I definitely love blogging, it has brought me so many new friends!

  4. I wanted to post a shelfie but I'm not even in the same state as most of my books so it would have been a sad shelfie :P You've got a nice collection going though!

    1. Aw man. I would've shown all of mine, but my room is such a mess. I'd hate being away from my books though. Unless I were at a bookish event. ;)

  5. Love those book piles! I'm so happy I decided to participate in Armchair BEA this year - I'm discovering a ton of fabulous blogs :)

    1. I agree. I definitely love finding new blogs! Have fun this week!

  6. I've had The Host sitting around my house forever but still have not gotten around to reading it.
    Thanks for stopping by

    1. I found the hardcover at Barnes & Noble a few years ago for $2.99 and I had to get it. I feel so bad that it has sat there unread for so long. :(

  7. Love the book overflow! My shelves tend to overflow into other areas as well, although now that I have a book nook that might change. :)

    1. I'm hoping it'll change when I have my own place, but right now my books are confined to my room.

  8. Happy ABEA! I clicked over from the comment you left on my blog about Sarah Dessen. I have read all of her books, and most of them are excellent. It's fun to read them all in order because each book has little cameo appearances from characters in previous books.

    1. That's what I've heard! I can't wait to pick up more of them. My book club is reading Saint Anything in August!

  9. Welcome to ArmchairBea ! This is a great event to get to know more bloggers. enjoy your week!


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