Armchair BEA Wrap Up

So Armchair BEA 2016 has officially come to an end. I really had a great time discovering new bloggers, making friends, talking all things bookish, and even winning a giveaway or two. I was reluctant to sign up because I didn't think I could do a new post each day, but I was finally convinced and I'm so glad. Some of my posts may not have been the best *cough cough* day three *cough cough*, but I had fun! I learned some things from these other people and even made plans to meet some next year! Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to participate next year and every year until I get to go to the live Book Expo America on the East Coast.

Here are my posts in case you missed them:
ABEA Day One: Introduction & Diversity in Books
ABEA Day Two: Aesthetic Concerns Books & Blogs
ABEA Day Three: Beyond the Books and the Blog
ABEA Day Four: Surviving Fictional Worlds

If you want to check out the other participants, they can be found here. What was your favorite topic this week? Are you thinking about participating in the future? Tell me your thoughts in the comments.


  1. I enjoyed meeting other bloggers too. That is my favorite thing. :)

    ENJOY this week.

    Silver's Reviews

  2. This was my first year to participate in Armchair BEA and I had a lot of fun, too. Hope you have a great week!


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