Armchair BEA Day Two

Aesthetic Concerns: Books

I judge books by their cover, there I said it. Mostly I rely on the cover to pull me in when I'm browsing. I know I'm probably missing out on a ton of great books because of this, but it's the sad truth about advertising. If I know and like a synopsis ahead of time then the cover doesn't really matter because I know what kind of story I'm in for. I wouldn't say I'm often surprised, while a cover pulls me in, the synopsis is what keeps me around. I can't name a single book that I bought strictly because of the cover without reading the back.

As for how things look on my shelf, I definitely want my books to match. If it's not possible then I obviously have to deal with that. If I can get matching covers in matching formats that's a top priority for me. For example, I bought and loved the paperback copy of Winger by Andrew Smith and the sequel came out last year, but, as it often is with new releases, it was only in hardcover. I have been patiently waiting and will be buying the paperback when it releases this year. If that makes me a "book snob" then so be it. I enjoy having my books matching accordingly.

The last thing to address is whether the cover has to match the story within. I think it's pretty important. However, I'm not put off if it doesn't. Authors do not have control over their covers and as I said before, covers can be what pulls a person in. If it's not a perfect match, whatever. Nothing you can do about it.

Aesthetic Concerns: Blogs

I haven't thought too much about my brand as a blogger. I know that I prefer to take my own pictures of the books that I am reading and reviewing. Other than that I guess I have a format for now; title in blue, rating in yellow, etc. I think if I did put more thought into it, I probably would make some changes. For now I am happy with how I do things. Blogs, along with the people who write them, evolve gradually over time. I'm in no rush to change things.

Do you have any specific requirements for books or blogs to meet in regards to aesthetic? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Your point about authors not having control over their covers is a good one. I wonder what books would look like if they did... :)

  2. The only thing that really drives me away (before reading) are crazy, blinking, shouting graphics all over a blog. Maybe it's something to do with sensory overload, but when I am reading about literature, I want to be able to concentrate on the words.
    Meaghan @

  3. I am a self-professed "cover snob." And proud of it. ;)

    Blog aesthetics are important to me. But what's so great about design is that it can be anything you want. I admire people who take their own photos. Aside from my IG account, on my blog, I go the "easy" route and pull photos from free copyright sites which is always a nice resource.

    1. Interesting. Also, thank you for being my first follower. (: <3

  4. Replies
    1. On series on my shelf that drives me nuts is the Witches of East End by Melissa de la Cruz. All three are in fact hardcover and have matching covers, but the first one is an inch shorter than the other two.

  5. I love it when my books in a series match, but I buy so many second-hand books that sometimes I have to settle with other covers. #BookNerd problems, hahah.

    1. See, I can't do second hand. I'm too snobby I guess. I like them brand new so they last longer.


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