Stay at Home Book Tag

Stay at Home Book Tag

 Laying in Bed - A book that you could/have read in a day

I can't actually remember the last time I was able to finish a book in a day due to work, school, and slumps. However, I can tell you the last book that I had a hard time having to put it down was A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas. That book made my heart sing and if you want to know more about my thoughts, I wrote a spoiler-free review.

Snacking - A guilty pleasure book

I don't really have one specific book, but a serious guilty pleasure of mine is Christmas novels. If you've been here for a while, you know that Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday and time of year in general. There is nothing better than cuddling up with a good Christmas romance and some chocolate on a cold day.

Netflix - A series that you want to start

I really want to start the Crescent City series by Sarah J Maas, but at the same time I know waiting for each one to get published is going to be absolute torture. I am not sure whether I will start it or wait it out until they are all published or not.

Deep Clean - A book that has been on your TBR for ages

So many books have been sitting on my poor TBR for years. I envy people who read everything that they buy almost immediately. 

Animal Crossing - A book that you recently bought because of hype

This one is easy. I recently purchased and began reading Beach Read by Emily Henry.  I probably would have bought it on my own eventually, but I kept hearing so many good things about it that I couldn't help it. If you want to know about a book that I probably would have written off, it's Hot British Boyfriend for the title. However, I devoured it and wound up rating it highly. Sometimes the hype is the push you need and you don't regret it. I recommend both of these novels and I haven't even finished Beach Read yet as it is finals week.

Productivity - A book that had an impact on you

A lot of books have really hit home for me. I guess I should go with the one that meant so much I got a quote tattooed on my arm, Four by Veronica Roth. Four is a character that I relate to and in this collection of short stories, we were able to get inside his mind. "Change, like healing, takes time." 

Facetime - A book you were gifted 

One of my dearest friends bought me a copy of Circe for my birthday last year. I cannot wait to have a chance to really focus on it and savor each and every page. Greek mythology is something that I love very much.

Self Care - What is one thing you that have done recently to look after yourself

I am a strong believer in putting your mental health first. Recently one of my best friends and I made a little trip to Starbucks and my favorite gluten-free spot before heading up the mountain for a mental health day. The drive alone was wonderful, but the best part was relaxing in hammocks and just being in nature. I feel confident saying that it is something we both really needed and I look forward to next time.

BONUS - Name a book that is coming out soon

A book that comes out this year that I am really looking forward to is You'd Be Home Now by Kathleen Glasgow. Kathleen is a wonderful writer and a wonderful person and I cannot wait to read her latest work.

This tag was a lot of fun. If you want to check out the original it was created by Madison Mary at Princess of Paperback.

It's been a long time since I've done a book tag and I did enjoy this one so maybe I will have to do more. I hope y'all are staying safe out there. Happy reading!




  1. Oh yesss, I love Christmas novels as well! The cheesier and more hallmark-like the better! :)

    1. For real! I am such a sucker. Especially if dogs are involved.


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