A Court of Silver Flames Review

A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas

5 Stars

I'm normally not one to review anything in a series beyond the first book because of my inability to express my thoughts without spoilers. Technically this is the first book in a new trilogy, but because it builds off of the original story within A Court of Thorns and Roses I might be vague.

I have waited so long for this book to be released into the world. I am completely into this world that Sarah has built and this book did not disappoint at all. If anything it actually went beyond my expectations.

A Court of Silver Flames follows Nesta's journey and the fact that it is a journey of mental health is actually something that means a lot to me personally. The book opens with our main character at her low, she could probably go lower, but it is definitely a time where you can tell she wants to be numb and is using whatever she can to achieve that. This book takes place over about year and is packed with so much content in the best way. Even the filler scenes contribute to the overall story and I would not give up a single page.

This is a character who has pretty bad Post Traumatic Stress and we see that the journey to dealing with it and healing is not linear. It is full of ups and downs and sometimes quitting seems easier. Cassian is a great support system in that he doesn't really give his own feelings up, instead he is whatever Nesta needs. A friend, a trainer, a metaphorical punching bag et cetera. His chapters were a great contribution. Being in Cassian's mind and seeing the world from his eyes was enlightening. A lot of people look up to him and some look down on him and sometimes that gets to him. No one is perfect and outside pressures can invade the psyche.

However, one of the best things about this book was the relationships it built. A strong group of females who lean on one another and help each other. I love that it was such a big part of the story. These women learned to handle themselves and face their fears no matter how big or small those fears seemed to be. It was absolutely beautiful.

Now a quick word smut. This is one thousand percent an adult book and it was delicious. These scenes were detailed and graphic and achingly juicy. More than I had hoped for a Sarah J Maas book. I want more.

The wait for the next installment may just kill me. I already want to reread this one and I finished it the day before I began writing this. If you have been here a while, then you know I am not the biggest rereader so that says something. If you are a fan of the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, this is something you need. If you haven't read any of the books and are somewhat interested, then this is your sign to just do it. ACOFS was a five star read and I am officially adding it to my favorites list.

Have you read any of this series? Did you devour A Court of Silver Flames the way that I did? What are your thoughts? I would love to hear in the comments. Happy reading y'all!




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