A Very Arc-ish Readathon Wrap Up

A Very Arc-ish Readathon

So, the readathon has come and gone oh so quickly. I think this may be the first readathon where I actually got some reading done without putting myself in a stress induced slump. I know you're probably curious as to how I did, unless you follow me on Twitter. And.... I read two whole ARCs. Yep, you read that right, TWO. I even started a third about an hour before the readathon officially ended. Let's get to it!

My first book is actually a secret, but y'all will hear about it eventually and trust me when I tell you it was absolutely wonderful! The second one I finished was The Duke of Bannerman Prep by Katie A. Nelson and I loved it! Seriously, who doesn't love a good boarding school read? I know they're some of my favorite. My full spoiler free review will be up tomorrow if you're interested in my thoughts. Lastly, I just started reading What the Dead Want by Norah Olson and I'm definitely intrigued. Plus I'm really digging the short chapters. I don't mind long chapters, but short ones make it easier for me to breeze on through as I lie to myself by saying "just one more chapter".

So tell me, did you participate in the Very Arc-ish Readathon? If so, how did you do? I'm actually quite happy with my progress since my goal was just one. Thank you to Aimal for hosting! Happy reading everyone!



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