Bang ARC Review

Bang by Barry Lyga
5 Stars

I fully intend to keep this one short and sweet because this book is definitely one you should read yourself. Our main character, Sebastian, accidentally shot and killed his baby sister when he was four years old. I know what you're thinking, but honestly this is something that does happen too often. I'm not going to go into the politics surrounding guns at all, but the aftermath that Sebastian deals with is all too real for some people. Bang deals with guilt, trying to fit into a society that only sees you as/for one thing, regular teenage angst, making friends, and finding a hobby. Throughout the book you can feel this big thing just looming over his life and you're just waiting for the shoe to drop. Overall, it was a wonderful read. I enjoyed being inside his head. I was rooting for him the whole time, but I also had questions. Thankfully most of my questions were answered by the end and in such an interesting way. I recommend this one to everyone. It's one of the ones that is just too important and raw. Bang comes out on April 18, 2017 and is available for pre-order now. Have any of you been lucky enough to read this already? If so, what are your thoughts. If not, do you plan to? What some other important reads? I love recommendations. Happy reading!


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