Conversations: Book Borrowing Rules

Welcome to another Conversations post! Today's topic is "What are the do's and don'ts for someone who wants to borrow your books?" Now this one is a toughie. I don't really lend out books anymore. Let's start with why.

Once upon a time I lent my best friend some of my Gossip Girl books. Now she read them and liked them, but one day when I asked for them back it was revealed that her mother had given my books to Goodwill. I was crushed. Her mom kindly bought me copies, but she bought the wrong cover in a mass market paperback edition no less (BLECK!) for one of them. I still feel bitter about it. 

Now even after that I let another close friend borrow book 1 from the Private series and while this was completely not her fault, my book was destroyed. A water bottle burst in her backpack and not only are the pages all crinkly, but the cover is being held on by packaging tape. Book 2 in that series is still missing to this day. I have since forgiven her, but one rule still stands. No one borrows my books.

However, upon some thinking, I would let certain people borrow my books. These people basically being one person. Grace. Even though she is in Australia and highly unlikely to borrow any of my books anyway. Grace is my type of bookish person. She's careful with her books. She doesn't dog-ear pages. She doesn't crack spines. Books are precious and she treats them as so.

Do you let people borrow your books? Do you have certain rules for these situations? I would love to hear all about it in the comments. Did you write a Conversations post? Leave me a link! Happy Saturday y'all.


  1. I'm sorry to hear you've had bad experiences with book-borrowers! D: I'd be so heartbroken if my book comes back destroyed. I'm a little picky about who I let borrow my books, and I do have some rules about my books that I talk about in my Conversations post. Here it is if you'd like to read it :D

    1. Oh I definitely was for a while there. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh my gosh, those are horrible book borrowing experiences! :( It's really awesome that you'd still let people borrow books after those experiences! But yeah, hopefully you can trust more people with your books in future :)

    1. It would most definitely take some serious trust! Thank you for hosting Conversations and thank you for stopping by!


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