Autofocus ARC Review

Autofocus by Lauren Gibaldi
5 Stars
Lauren has done it again! I swear she never lets me down. Autofocus is about a teenage girl named Maude who receives a photography assignment about family and feels compelled to learn about the woman who gave birth to her. In order to do this Maude takes a trip to see her best friend, Treena, who happens to go to college in the same town where Maude's birth mother grew up. Adventure ensues.

I really loved the characters that Gibadli created. Maude seems so sure of herself until the moment she doesn't and that felt really real to me. Although my favorite character by far would have to be Bennett. He swoops in like some nerdy knight in shining armor without really meaning to and it's absolutely adorable. What I love about the way these characters are written is that I felt a lot of the things Maude was feeling as I read along, mainly towards the T's. You'll see.

What makes this journey so great is just that, it's a journey. There are no easy answers. A few roadblocks were hit and there were moments that really tested friendship. It was raw and real and even when things seemingly shattered, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. That's life. Even when the chips are down, you can always pick them back up again.

Sometimes life isn't how you pictured it.

Lastly, being that Maude is working on a photography assignment, photography is a big aspect of this novel. I love how Lauren really paints a picture of everything that Maude is seeing and you really get to see her thought process. It kind of makes me want to start capturing moments happening around me. It's really beautiful and I'm so glad that it's included.

As far as I can remember, I've never known anyone who has been adopted, but I imagine this is a pretty accurate depiction of how one wonders what could have been. It's one of the most enjoyable books I've had the pleasure of reading this year and I will not hesitate to push it on anyone who will let me. Seriously, it's a wonderful read, perfect for Summer. Autofoucs will be out on June 14, 2016. Grab yourself a copy and discuss it with me. The lovely Lauren Gibaldi might just surprise you.


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