The Score ARC Review

The Score by Elle Kennedy
5 Stars
Holy shit. I swear these books keep getting better and better. In this one we focus on Allie, a serial monogamist fresh from a breakup, and Dean, an unbelievable ladies man. Kennedy does her thing and creates a very steamy read that you won't be able to put down. I found myself wishing I was Allie the whole time out of complete jealousy and love for the leading man. Dean is just mesmerizing and it's honestly not hard to see why no one can resist his charms. He's kind of a cocky bastard, but it works for him. I devoured this novel in one sitting and I still wanted more! I seriously hope this isn't the last book in the series because holy cow, that bomb dropped at the end?! You can't do that to me! I'd love to be able to say so much more, but you honestly just need to read it for yourself. The Score comes out on January 11, 2016 and while it is the 3rd book, it's a companion series so you don't have to read the other two first. However, you might get minor spoilers, so if that's an issue I would go in order. They're all amazing books and like I said, they just keep getting better. I can't wait for y'all to get your hands on this one so we can discuss it!


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