A Work In Progress: A Memoir Review

A Work In Progress: A Memoir by Connor Franta
5 Stars
I will admit that I bought this book because I love Connor Franta. If you did not already know, he is a well known YouTuber. Don't hold that against him, he's great at what he does. The second he touched on what his book was going to be like on his channel, I went home and preordered it. I loved that I'd be able to get inside his head a little. I've heard things along the lines of "Who writes a memoir at 22?" and "He hasn't even lived!" However, I feel this was the perfect time for him to do so. Every page gave me insight into Connor as a person and also made me see things differently. He touches on topics like loneliness, friendship, dating, self image, and acceptance. I may be biased, but I felt he discussed these things with such grace and realness. A book that is able to make me reflect and reevaluate my life doesn't come around often. Mostly because I read fiction, but those can leave a mark on you as well. While reading A Work In Progress, I laughed, I cried, I felt inspired, but I also marveled at the gorgeous pictures. Have you met a book that is beautiful in every single way? From the message it sends to the cover design and just everything it is. I mean, WOW. I hope to one day accept myself as Connor has on his journey. I'm working on it, but I'm not quite there yet. Whether you're a fan of him or not, I suggest you read this book. It might open your eyes and give you a fresh outlook on life or a better understanding of the struggles that we all go through even if it doesn't seem like it. I seriously hope to see another book from Connor in the future. Let me know your thoughts.


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