State of the Union Review

State of the Union by Nick Hornby
4 Stars
I had actually never heard of this book prior to my purchasing it. Nor have I run into anyone who has read it. State of the Union actually caught my eye at my local Dollar Tree because of the neon design on the cover. I had not even read the synopsis before my decision was made. I also bought two more for two of my friends in the honors program with me. We all finished reading it within days of each other since we all started at different times.

State of the Union is about a couple who ventures into marriage counseling to try and mend their somewhat broken relationship. The book is split into ten parts, each taking place prior to their counseling appointment. I found this intriguing. I would have loved to see the actual appointments, but only seeing the couple prior to them wasn't as bad as I had assumed it was going to be.

Being that the novel is only 132 pages, it was a very quick read and I looked forward to seeing how their relationship would fair. There is not much I can say without spoiling this little book, but it was worth the read and I have every intention of watching the television show to see how they compare.

I also highly recommend stopping by your local Dollar Tree and just seeing what they have on the shelves. You never know what you may find and who knows, maybe you can buy multiple and read it with your friends! Have any of you read this book or seen the tv show? If so, I would definitely love to hear your thoughts! Happy reading y'all!


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