February Wrap-Up

February Reading

It is to no surprise that I did not finish any books in February outside of my reading for school. However, I surprised even myself by starting to listen to my very first audiobook. Yes, you read that right. I am reading, or listening to, my very first audiobook! I am very excited about this and I am breezing through compared to my current reading speed lately. I am on track to finish it this month.

Well, what book is it? I am listening to Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. For the very few of you who may not be familiar, it is the second book within the Outlander series. I got really amped up for season five of the show and therefore decided it was time to read the book. Because I am having such a hard time right now with reading, I thought I would give an audiobook a shot and it is really helping me. I listen when I am driving, eating my lunch, cooking, and sometimes doing my homework. I am actually listening to it right now! I have just under nineteen hours left of my listening and have already downloaded Voyager, book three.

I wasn't going to write a reading wrap-up for February as I did not finish any books, but I simply could not ignore this personal growth. For the longest time I claimed that I was not one for listening to my books. I had to have something to hold in my hands and physically read the words. Twenty-twenty is the year for me. I can feel it. I just know I will finish my reading goal and be proud, no matter how low it is. Are audiobooks your thing? Do you have any recommendations for me? I am definitely open to continuing on this path. Happy reading or listening!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It's really opening me up! I have so much reading, well listening, time now!


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