Reading in 2020

Hello Twenty-Twenty!

Normally my first post of the year is my reading wrap up of the previous year as a whole. However, this go around that would just be a huge waste of time. In 2019 I only managed to finish seven books; eight, if you consider the book I read that had a second book within. I chose not to read that second book so I did not mark the whole thing as read on my Goodreads account. Therefore, my survey would be either very empty or heavily repetitive. The wise choice is to just skip it altogether. I was very disappointed in my reading last year. Seven books is just a shame compared to my previous reading years. So, in twenty-twenty my goal is to simply read one book a month. Twelve is more than last year while also staying incredibly safe. There are many reasons for my lack of reading, but a major player is college which I will be continuing this year. Wish me luck in both areas of my life.

My first book of the year is one I started last year and I am seriously loving it so far. It also happens to be the first book that I am reading on the Kindle that I gifted myself on Black Friday. Abigail Johnson is one of my favorite authors and also just the sweetest human. I am lucky enough to have obtained a digital ARC of her latest novel, Every Other Weekend. I fully intend for this to be the first novel that I finish in the new year, new decade. I also plan to finally start my copy of Saga. The graphic novel series has been heavily recommended to me for about two years now and I feel like I have owned my copy for just as long so that is a priority as well. I also have ARCs from Eric Smith and Paula Stokes that need my attention. Other than those four selections, I am going into the year completely unplanned. Whatever grabs me, will grab me. I want to keep my expectations low, so maybe I will actually succeed. What are your reading plans this year? Have you already finished your first book? Let's talk about it. Happy reading!


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