September Reading Plans

To Read or Not to Read?

As y'all have probably noticed I haven't been very active. Work is just a lot right now. My main focus is the kiddos. Unfortunately this means I'm tired a lot and I spend my free time either asleep instead of reading.

So what on Earth have I been reading and what do I plan to read if all I do is sleep? Well I've been working on reading two books for the past few months. The first one is Adrift: A True Story of Love, Loss, and Survival at Sea by Tami Oldham Ashcraft, formerly titled Red Sky in Mourning: The True Story of a Woman's Courage and Survival at Sea. I really struggle with reading non-fiction, but something in me had to read this book. I wanted to know how this woman pushed herself to survive. It's taking me a long time to read it, but I am most certainly enjoying it. I really hope to finish it this month. I'm also slowly making my way through Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus. Even though I did not read her first novel, I am having fun reading this one. So we'll see how that all goes.

Some books I would like to get to if I can would be Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, Hocus Pocus & the All New Sequel by A. W. Jantha, The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas, and Hidden Pieces by Paula Stokes. These are all books that I've been waiting to read and I've been super hyped for. My goal for the month is simple. I want to finish two books. I don't care if it's one of the ones I have been reading or something new. I just want to add two more books to my yearly Goodreads goal. Wish me luck.

I would love to hear what all of you are reading and if you're not reading, what are you up to? I feel like it's been forever. Feel free to say hello in the comments. Happy reading!


  1. Sometimes we have to prioritize more important things than reading - it happens! :) Good luck with finishing Adrift - I was just checking it out at a bookstore the other day and thought it sounded fascinating.


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