ARC August & FomoAThon Wrap-Up

Collective Wrap-Up

Arc August:
As y'all know I signed up to do ARC August, an event where all of us try our hardest to read all of our backlogged review copies (advanced reader copies or ARCs specifically). I'm very bad at sticking to TBRs and forcing myself to read when I don't really feel like it so I set a very realistic goal for myself. In August I set out to read one ARC. Yes you read that correctly, ONE. I'm happy to announce that I at the very least reached my goal.

In August I was only able to read one ARC. I was in a major slump and really didn't want to read anything that I felt like I HAD to read. The ARC I chose was to my surprise, one from my TBR. I read and actually enjoyed A Season for Fireflies by Rebecca Maizel. This was a book about a girl who was struck by lightning and lost some of her more recent memories and her struggles to try and remember all the changes she had made in those missing periods. I enjoyed it enough. I did get a little frustrated sometimes because we as readers were somewhat in the dark too, but I would read it again. I'm happy with my choice of my singular ARC and I recommend checking it out.

Now I have not actually talked about the FomoAThon here on my blog at all. Chelsea from chelseadolling reads actually announced her idea/plans for this only the day before so it was kind of a last minute decision. Basically it was for the people with FOMO (Fear of misssing out) over BookNetFest and I am totally one of those people. This readathon didn't come with any assigned challenges or goals for people to reach. It was very laid back and chill which is exactly what I needed.

Being that there weren't any challenges, goals, or TBRs on my part I was free to read whatever. My first choice was This Is Not the End by Chandler Baker and boy did I love this book. I needed to know what choice Lake was going to make. If you don't know our main character Lake lives in a world where when a person turns 18 they have a chance to resurrect one person of their choice. Lake had already promised her resurrection to someone when tragedy strikes and she suddenly has two more options. Her life becomes one big what if in regards to her 18th birthday which is less than a month away. I knew who I would want her to choose and was waiting to see if she agreed. I just had to finish ASAP. And I love when a book does that to me. I highly recommend this one.

Second, I read These Things I've Done by Rebecca Phillips. This book. I cried so much. It took me 24 hours to read and fall in love with this novel. I was hooked from the last sentence of chapter one. These Things I've Done is about Dara and her life after the death of her best friend. It's told in alternating chapters between the past and the present each one fitting together nicely. This story, the wreckage that comes with tragedy, it was heartbreaking and written perfectly. Nothing could stop me from reading this one and I'm sad that it had to end. Honestly, grab yourself a copy now if you're a sucker for big events that change a person so much and watching them heal and grow.

Yesterday was the last day for the readathon and I knew I wouldn't be able to finish a third book. I could've read a graphic novel, but let's face it I'm stubborn as hell. So me being me, I started The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed and only got 12 pages in. Which is totally fine by me. I can't wait to finish reading all 404 pages and see what I think of them. So there you have it, my collective wrap-up.

Thank you to Read.Sleep.Repeat. for hosting another great ARC August. Thank you to Chelsea Dolling for hosting the awesome and laid back FomoAThon, I hope to see more readathons like this one. And thank you for stopping by and reading to see what I've been up to. Did you participate in either of these events? Do you hope to in the future? What have you been reading lately? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.


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