You Don't Know Me but I Know You ARC Review

You Don't Know Me but I Know You by Rebecca Barrow
5 Stars

First off, I want to thank the kind, Rebecca Barrow for sending me a copy of this book after I won a giveaway. I think I entered quite a few for this book because of how badly I wanted to read it and I am so incredibly thankful that I was able to.

For those of you who don't know, the main themes of this book are teenage pregnancy and adoption. Our main character, Audrey, was adopted and while it's not made to be some big deal, it is something she talks about/thinks about quite often in relation to her own current situation. That situation being a pregnancy. I swear that's not a spoiler by the way, it's in the synopsis. We also get the chance to see a decently healthy relationship between Audrey and her boyfriend, Julian, which I really appreciate.

The thing that made me want to read this book so bad was in fact the pregnancy. I don't know about you, but I don't see a lot of YA books with a pregnancy in them and I find that to be a problem. It's a real thing that happens and every teen should be able to find themselves a book that they can relate to. Does this book glamorize teenage pregnancy? Absolutely not. Does it address tough decisions? Yes. Does it introduce the reality of not wanting to be judged, feeling isolated, letting people down etc? Hell yes. I love the way Rebecca took all of this on and I feel like this book could really help someone with their own decision whether they make the same one as Audrey and Julian or not.

Lastly, I want to talk about the friendships. They were so realistic to me. I mean Audrey is very close with her friends. Tells them everything, but at the same time she also has her secrets and they have theirs. They fight. Not everything is picture perfect all of the time like you might find in some novels. Not to mention the author created such a diverse cast of characters and didn't make it seem unnatural in anyway. Everyone fit together and there wasn't really any focus on their differences. I applaud her.

Do I recommend You Don't Know Me but I Know You? Definitely. I couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed being in Audrey's head and I really felt what she was going through deep in my soul. This book will be available on August 29, 2017 and is available to pre-order now. I highly suggest your grab a copy and let me know what you think. There is also currently a giveaway for a copy on Goodreads that you can enter here! What are your opinions on sex and pregnancy in young adult books? Let me know in the comments! Happy reading!


  1. Wonderful review! I totally agree, YA needs to cover important topics like this. I feel like it's taken a lovely shift, but there is still a lot of ground to cover :)

    1. Agreed. We definitely need more of everything serious. I'm always on the look out for those kinds of books so shoot me a recommendation any time! Thank you for stopping by!


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