Entangled Teen: Urban Fantasy or Epic Fantasy

Welcome to the last day of the Entangled Teen Urban Fantasy vs Epic Fantasy event. Today is the day where I let you know which side I'm on. Are you ready for this?

I'm not on a side. I honestly haven't read enough fantasy to have chosen a side so this post is going to be a very short one. I will tell you a book from each team during the event that I plan to check out.

My pick for #TeamUrbanFantasy is actually Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw. To be fair, I already own a copy of this book and just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Story of all us book lovers right? So many books, so little time.

As for #TeamEpicFantasy, I want to check out True North by L.E. Sterling. I haven't read book one, True Born yet but they both seem rather interesting.

Man, what a sorry excuse for a post. I would love to hear your recommendations for Urban Fantasy and Epic Fantasy and maybe I'll even add some of them to my ever growing TBR pile.

Thank you for stopping by and don't forget to enter the giveaway below if you haven't already!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Grand Prize winner of the contest will receive the following:
  • True Born (True Born Trilogy, #1) by L.E. Sterling
  • Thief of Lies (Library Jumpers, #1) by Brenda Drake
  • Spindle by Shonna Slayton



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