Where I've Been

Where's Gabriella?

So you may have noticed that my blogging has been severely slacking as of late. Well, the easy answer is that in the past three months I have only been able to finish two books. A major slump hit me in August at the same time that my life kind of picked up. I'm going to try to find a balance and I hope that you'll stick with me while I navigate through all of this. This coming week or so you can expect reviews from three different books that I have finished. These being If I Fix You by Abigail Johnson, The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti, and Aftermath by Clara Kensie. Thank you all for your understanding.


  1. I've read IF I FIX YOU and AFTERMATH and am excited to read Lizzie too! Hope you are doing well and catching up on things!

    1. Thank you for your well wishes. I'm kind of just dealing and trying to get back to my normal. It's taking some time. I hope you read Lizzie soon. It really is a good one.


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