City of Bones Review

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
5 Stars
I know, I know, I'm so late to the cool kids club with this one. Fuck it, I took my time and I'm glad I did because damn, I loved this book. I finally understand the hype surrounding this series and I am definitely going to continue with it. As late as I was, I finally picked this up because the television show, Shadowhunters, was starting this month. I don't know about you, but I struggle to read something once I've seen its adaptation so I had to hurry my ass up.

I loved practically all of the characters, but I was mildly annoyed by Simon. Clary had her moments as well, but let's focus on the good. Jace was so cocky, he didn't hold back in any aspect and it was perfect. Definitely the most entertaining character to read about for me. Isabelle’s confidence is for sure something I am jealous of. I found Hodge to be kind of sketchy throughout the book, but I feel like a sketchy character is always needed especially with a story like this one. As for Alec, I don't have a lot of thoughts there except for the scene where he gets a tad angry. DAMN. Lastly, I want to see more of Magnus. His character seems to just draw me in! Anyone else feel that way?

As for the plot, I felt it was very well paced with a few serious bombs dropped throughout. Seriously, WHAT?! I enjoyed the romance aspect as well and how it was in the background instead of the forefront. There is a couple that I ship and I don't know how to feel about it. If you've read it, you know. If you're behind on the times like I am, read it. Read it now. If you love adventure, sarcasm, action, etc. then this book is for  you. Book two is in my future for sure. I'd love to hear your thoughts, whether they're on the book, the movie, or the tv show. Just try not to leave any spoilers.


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