Debut Author Bash 2017: Kate Hart

Hello and welcome to day one of the 2017 Debut Author Bash! This year I'll be doing a couple of days and today is all about Kate Hart! I hope you enjoy!

About the Book
A YA debut about a teen girl who wrestles with rumors, reputation, and her relationships with two brothers.

Seventeen-year-old Raychel is sleeping with two boys: her overachieving best friend Matt…and his slacker brother, Andrew.

Raychel sneaks into Matt’s bed after nightmares, but nothing ever happens. He doesn’t even seem to realize she’s a girl, except when he decides she needs rescuing. But Raychel doesn't want to be his girl anyway. She just needs his support as she deals with the classmate who assaulted her, the constant threat of her family’s eviction, and the dream of college slipping quickly out of reach. Matt tries to help, but he doesn’t really get it… and he’d never understand why she’s fallen into a secret relationship with his brother.

The friendships are a precarious balance, and when tragedy strikes, everything falls apart. Raychel has to decide which pieces she can pick up – and which ones are worth putting back together.

About the Author
After studying Spanish and history at a small liberal arts school, Kate Hart taught young people their ABCs, wrote grants for grownups with disabilities, and now builds treehouses for people of all ages. Her debut YA novel, AFTER THE FALL, was published January 2017 by FSG, and she's a contributor to the 2018 short story collection TOIL & TROUBLE. She also contributes to YA Highway, hosts Badass Ladies You Should Know , and sells fiber arts and woodworking at The Badasserie. Kate is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation with Choctaw heritage, and lives in Northwest Arkansas with her family.

Where to find her: Website | Twitter | Instagram

Now on to the giveaway. The prize is a copy of After the Fall by Kate Hart, it is up to the winner if they want a hardcover or a paperback copy. To enter simply comment on this post and leave your twitter handle. For extra entries you can follow Kate and myself and retweet my tweet about this post found here. You can find the full bash schedule here. Thank you for hanging out and I hope you come back for my next post! Happy reading!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I loved this book!!!! (even though it made me cry!!!) I did not expect to like it so much!!!
      (I deleted my first comment as I hit enter too soon!)
      twitter: @TheresaJSnyder

    2. I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but I hope to grab a copy soon. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I read great things about After the Fall when it first released and it's been on my TBR ever since. If the giveaway is open internationally, please count me in. I followed and shared your tweet, my Twitter handle is @readingwishes.

  3. This book sounds so awesome. And the cover is Gorgeous!!!!!! :)
    My twitter is @WordsThatStay1. I follow both of you and RTed the giveaway tweet. :)

  4. I have been on a contemporary binge, so this sounds right up my alley! @emandm2222

  5. After The Fall sounds really great, looking forward to read!
    Thank you for your generosity :)

  6. Following both accounts and retweeted :D

  7. Sounds like a great read! I would love a copy!

  8. Followed both of you on Twitter!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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