
Showing posts from June, 2018

2018 Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag I want to thank Aimee, Always for tagging me. You can find her post here if you're interested. This tag was originally co-created by IsThatChami and Earl Grey Books . I'm so excited to let you all know how this year has gone for me so far. Reading wise, that is. Let's get started, shall we? 1. The best book you've read this year? I'm going to go with A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas . Technically it's a novella and a lot of people have issues with it. However, it was everything I wanted. I love the fluff and the normalcy of prepping for and celebrating a holiday. I need more novellas like this one. I didn't want it to end. I'm still upset that we don't know what gift Cassian bought. 2. The best sequel you've read in 2018? The Lost World by Michael Crichton . Jurassic Park is hands down one of my favorite books and movies so nothing held a candle to The Lost World this year. Nothing. I wi...

June Reading Plans

What to read? I have more time to read this month and I am so stoked! Some of you might be able to tell from the picture that I'm rereading New Moon by Stephenie Meyer right now. I think I like it better than the first time around. I'm really not sure yet. The process of rereading the whole series is steadily moving along and I'm happy with it. As far as what else I would like to read this month, I'm not really sure. I'm in kind of a weird mood. I foresee at least one poetry book in June and I want to try and read I Hate Fairyland Vol 3 by Skottie Young. I would love some graphic novel recommendations from y'all. I'm very new to that side of the book world. I love it and I want more. Maybe I'll read one of my recent purchases. I can't be the only one in the book world constantly buying books and then waiting forever to even read them. On my latest trip to Barnes & Noble I snagged A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena, Adrift by Tam...